Best time to fly
Price analysis allows you to compare prices for the same destination in different months and choose the most favorable time for travel.
Best route to fly
Price analysis allows you to compare prices for different flights at the same time and choose the most cost-effective routes for travel.
Best aircraft to fly
Price analysis allows you to compare prices for different types of aircraft for the same routes and choose the most advantageous type of aircraft for your travel needs.
Best way
to fly
Price analysis allows you to view various combinations of routes, choose convenient and most favorable combinations of business jets and regular flights.
A guaranteed flight with a required minimum number of seats already sold.
Initiate a new flight or join an existing flight made by another passenger.
You can book a business Jet and if you would like to reduce your charter costs, we can advertise and sell an allocated number of seats that you specify that you would like to sell on your flight.
Follow our offers for certain dates and destinations. Please also be informed that during the high season there are no discounts offered.

Download application

Select and book a business jet, buy Jet Sharing seats, subscribe to Empty legs and manage your flight in your personalised account. All this is possible in the application.

Create a request

Rent a business jet according to your route and dates, choosing the most suitable one for your budget and comfort.

Create a request

Become the initiator of a flight, select the route, date, time and we will help you find fellow travelers.

Subscribe to Empty Leg

The system will automatically send you a notification about discounted flights suitable for your destination and send you a notification with an offer to book. If the route coincides with the route you wish to travel on, you can save up to 50% of the cost of the flight or even get a significant upgrade in the type of aircraft.

The best global events
in one place

We gathered the best events from around the world so that you can always diversify your leisure time while traveling or plan your flight in advance to include a world event.

Business jet guide
Aircraft type Business Liners
Seats 14-18
Aircraft type Business Liners
Seats 8-50
Aircraft type Business Liners
Seats 8-50
Aircraft type Business Liners
Seats 25-50
Aircraft type Business Liners
Seats 50-100
Aircraft type Business Liners
Seats 8-50
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