The first GetJet meeting with business aviation market happend on Jet Expo 2017, between 7 and 9 of September. A quite new approach to flights merging became interesting not only for professionals, but also some mass media. So, one of the most famous Mass Media from business aviation field BizavNews has interviewed the GetJet vice-president in marketing and sales Roberto Hlaca.

- Mr. Hlaca, tell us please about GetJet project and its history.

- GetJet is an exciting and unique platform that launched in 2017, GetJet allows members to search for private aircraft flights at up to half the normal cost. In June 2017 our system went live, we successfully sold more than 20 flights in the first 1.5 months through our platform and saved over 200 000 euro for our subscribers. Over 140 users had registered to become a member of our exclusive club within the EU and Russian markets. Not only do individuals benefit from cheaper private aircraft charter flights, airlines benefit from fewer empty leg flights, increasing revenue and aircraft efficiency.

Our story starts back in 2013, the concept of GetJet was thought up and the IT development began! Being a unique platform, many man hours were spent working on the algorithms that would power GetJet today. In 2014 we purchased our website and registered as a company, we became a step closer to launching after the hard work of our IT department. In 2015 and through to 2016, we extensively tested our software. We spent most of our man hours tweaking and developing the concept to assist brokers. With brokers being able to send clear and concise offers from the system, we have tried to minimize the work they need to do, too prepare a professional & personalised offer for the end user.

GetJet is a unique tool for Business Aviation professionals. An IT platform with the core idea of “Merged” flights, allowing brokers & operators to search for possible matches (customers flying one way in opposite directions) using the same rented / сhartered jet. This offers the client the opportunity through the broker to pay for the occupied leg he/she is actually flying on. Reward: The customer can experience upto a 50% discount of the full charter price.The system matches flights, taking into account the type of aircraft requested, the number of passengers, flight hours and then shares the costs between the passengers.

- How does it work?

- First of all you save because of types of flights.

- Could you be please a bit more detailed?

- There are two types of flights. Merged flight - when you should go from Moscow ato London for example. You clarify all flight details and the system matches another GetJet member, that needs to go from London to Moscow. You both save up to 50% because your aircraft doesn't fly empty.

- Ok, but how to merge and save up to 50% from normal price. Could you tell us about it step by step?

- Sure: Make a request for a merge on the website or find a flight by the help of search panel. Then you can do your things while our system matches all options for a merge or empty leg and we make some good offers for you. Then when all details are clarified, agreements are signed, you can pay your flight and perform the flight.

- And how does membership cost?

- The GetJet club is free to join. This was important to us from the very beginning, we wanted to vet the potential serious and committed users to ensure our platform was exclusive to those who’d set to benefit from it. By vetting users, we hope we will avoid disappointment when merging flights etc.

- How do you see GetJet outlooks?

- Nobody can predict the future, however, we believe GetJet has some exciting times ahead. We plan on offering our services to the Asian, Middle Eastern, African and American markets very soon. These new markets will enable long haul travel through GetJet to thrive, with potentially thousands of new routes available to users.

- Are you also a member of any professional associations?

- GetJet are members of RUBAA, EBAA and NBAA.

- Mr. Hlaca, thank you very much for a talk!!!!

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